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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

who shoiuld run for the republican nomination?

Newt... Newt... Newt

He is in favor of a loyalty oath for all members of his cabinet, especially the Muslims. Tim Pawlenty looks like a weasel and acts like one too. He is afraid of Mitt Romney when he is on stage with him, but talks behind his back. Who els can impress us? Perhaps Miss Palin could give us a run down on history and demonstrate her ability to deal with tough questions like, what did you learn?

For 18 months, we will now hear talking points and watch pretenders drop. Silly questions will be asked, and not answered. Especially if Ron Paul stays in the race. He thinks people's questions are not worth asking because they are all part of a left wing conspiracy to establish a nanny state.

The saving grace is that we only have to hear from these kooks and dissemblers from one party at a time. Oh, if only Ross Perot could return.

Here's an idea- maybe Obama should run for the Republican nomination! His policies haven't been exactly from the liberal playbook anyway. He might be able to make a dent. Better yet, let's see if we can get Andrew Cuomo to run for the Republican nomination. He's destroying New York's education system as well as any Republican could. He's given in to the millionaires as weell as any anti-tax conservative could.

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard about Operation "American Spring"? Look it up on Facebook. Perhaps this is something a "rebel" like you could involve yourself in?
