Just a little update on my dog metaphor. Due to Whitney's heroic efforts in the ravine, both Gable and Thumper are safe at home and Thumper is looking up at me as if to say, why did you link me to a wandering Siberian Husky? Inde has to work into this metaphor somehow. Inde is the dog who is perhaps a little like Switzerland. He never does anything wrong except occasionally steal food when no one is watching. In our last adventure, Gable was 3rd Reich Germany and Thumper was Poland. I suppose no country should enter into a linkage like that. In fact, Gable has always been a bad link for other dogs. He once dragged one of my other dogs into a highway. Note to self: don't hook any dogs to Gable. Applying it to world politics? Avoid crazy dictators.
Speaking of which, if you haven't seen "Fairgame" (the Valerie Plame story), it is worth seeing. You'll need to figure out which crazy dictator I am referring to (Sadaam or W?). Watching that movie, you have to wonder how Dick Cheney and Carl Rove are still allowed to comment on world politics. They pretty much demonstrated their lack of sound judgement a long time ago...
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