Chris Gibson... great! The guy who wants to repeal health care. You know the .... job killing bill. Wanna know what a job killing action is? See Cuomo's announcement about laying off thousands of state employees. No need to make an argument there about whether it's killing jobs to fire people.
Okay, so Obama is talking about technology. America is home to innovation we're so productive and we build stuff, and ya da yada yada. Entrepreneurs, etc. State of the art batteries. Renewable energy... 650 jobs.... Challenge is to harness this spirit, this potential. Make it easier to bring good things to life. Yeah, let's make it easy for GE, but hard on state workers. I get the picture.
GE invested 13 million, but they got it through a tax break. We have an ever increasingly shrinking world, and we need to export more goods. But do the people of China have money? We have a pretty high standard of living; I'm pretty sure we are the big consumers. So if we open markets up, we get all the cheap stuff from places with low wages. But these low wage countries can't buy our stuff, because they don't have any cash.
This plant in GE is part of his deal with China.... but they're sellling the turbines to Samlcote India. 1200 jobs in GE... woo hoo. He wants to double American exports. We're gonna keep sellin stuff all over the world. Accelerate growth. We want an economy based on Thomas Ediison's principles. Jeff Imelt of GE is going into Obama's cabinet.
Frankly, if the economy does come back into a somewhat healthy recovery by November of 2012, he can't lose, no matter what lies the uber right sling at him. Two years later... my recovery board.... a million jobs... business picking up... still looking for work. Hmmm pesky unemployment numbers. If only these pesky businesses would actually hire people and the government would stop firing people....
So far, by the way, we have a traditional jobless recovery....
Jeff has a wealth of experience. Jeff and others will get us into overdrive mode. Clean energy and other stuff. Fix the roads, educate the people. Hudson Valley gets some props... Um... you're right next to SCC, and they are doing some edumacating too, Barach...
Pioneering efforts is what America is all about... brighter days... spirit of innovation... American Dream.... come on Obama.... didn't you read Arthur Miller? Speech is wrapped up. Whoah that was fast. Jeff Lawrence... I know that guy. He's my Assistant Superintendent's husband.
National blueprint... icon... Edison is Obama's. Hudson Valley the only one with an apprentice program.... 18% exports....a big goal.
Jessica layton in the hand shaking arena. Out of the ballpark. Meeting with people. Hometown feel. Clear away the road blocks, like regulations against polluting, Beneatha? Why aren't businesses hiring? Jeff says it's because of political uncertainty. Oh, please. Doubts and fears. Please don't blame this on politicians. This is all on business. The government didn't drop the ball. Dr. Ron Seyb from Skidmore didn't get much face time. Abigail Bleck. Really needs to change her name. Bleck. We're here waiting outside for nothing, folks. Oh that was really insightful. Oh we can't do without Days of Our Lives....
Back to Ron. This is the tone we're going to hear. Danger is just old wine in a new bottle. What's new. Follow up. Why does the government need to follow up and help the economy improve? What happened to Laizzes Faire? I always wonder if Republicans who are so pro business ever realize that the Ron Pauls of the world are looking for less government involvement in business...
What happened to poor Ron. Back to Jessica Layton. So upbeat! Back to Bleck street. Erie Blvd is closed down. President might be on his way out. Who cares! To get a glimpse of his motorcade?
Timing was interesting, says Beneta. After the China trip... Lawrence says it's a stronger message due to the delay. Politics is like that? How deep Beneta. One tweeter says, Huzzah for upstate New York. Three dozen cars in the motorcade. Back to airport. Hoping Obama would stop for a slice of pizza!
Jeff Imelt's role. The committee... Ron gets to talk. New advisory panel. Imelt was a Republican contributor as well as to Hilary. Back from the brink... into overdrive. He wants to send a message that the worst times are over. Happy days are here again? GE employee. Jessica talks to Danielle someone. Clean energy is perfect for GE. About time.... capablity... yahoo!
Goals for the research center... excitement. Murfeld? Local pols get to tell people what they should take from the speech? Schenectady is trending on Twitter. Whatever that means. Back to Jeff. Back to China. Huge roadblocks to trade with China. Keeping interest rates low in China... Regulatory.... um things.... leveling the playing field is important. Nothing good ever happens until you sell something? Are you serious? If I sell a nuclear bomb....
And stuff
Economy back to basics? Who says what basics are? When were we at this elusive base? Low pay in China- five years from now. More pay for Chinese workers? Do you really think so? Now to the airport with Sabrina Dhammi. Woman in tears from meet and greet with Obama. Okay... Peter Gordon tweet. Markets today.... positive? Hold your breath everyone. Here's a new saying.... Nothing good ever happens until someone gets a good paying job with good working conditions and some job stability. He's at the airport already. That was quick. Probably could have gone up RT 7 and stoppped at the diner for some souvlaki.
235,000 new jobs. How do you get these figures. Jeff hasn't done the math. Sales dollars per job. What's the ratio? Ron on China and India. Does Ron know that India's rich and poor are growing apart at an alarming rate... just wondering. Jeff back to innovation. Ooh these tweets are so insightful (not).
GE is divesting and getting back to making stuff and selling things. Divesting from GE Capital- one of my least favorite corporations. What we thought was the motorcade was the prep for the motorcade. I thought that was a bit fast, even for a motorcade on closed roads. Looks like the airport is no longer a hindrance to people coming to the capital district.
From Stratton Airbase to GE- very close, but too many side streets. Obama has to go outside to get on his plane... How sad. Here comes Obama. Talking to someone.... Up the steps and off he goes. No enterage. How does he feel about his speech? Jeff says he feels good connecting themes. Oh, not Jeff... Ron. What comes next? White House happy. Media is mercurial. Republicans will be diplomatically cynical.
Sabrina was warned by secret service about jet wash. Press Corp and staff go in the back of the plane. LIke clock work. 2 pm departure. One hour to Washington. 6:30 to go to Democratic Issues Conference. Can he walk the talk? Really? Wheels of the ground at 2:10 pm. Motorcade travels in a plane too. Cool.
The business of manufacturing. More jobs in Schenectady. Bodes well for the area. Moving out and taking off... what will the pundits say? Aren't they pundits? A major address. Pointed to a larger audience. Good lame duck session. Two year anniversary.... stars aligning. Edison in the state of the union address? Could Schenectady become a national metaphor? Let's make some stuff.
4th largest corporation in America. We're back! Reganesque optimism? American worker. What did Regan do for American workers? Um... destroyed unions.... deregulated industries so that workers could be laid off... hmmm Oh, now a story on how to fly a 747. Here it goes.... is this really worth covering unless it blows up? Wheels off the ground at 2:06. Thanks to Ron, and Jeff Lawrence Center for Economic Growth (whatever that is). Assessment exercise is big i higher education. Plane gone, story over. Wait.... we have a little more plane shot... the end.
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