Of course the buzz is all about the political discourse that "created" the shooter and the shooting in Arizona. The reverse buzz from the loud mouths (Beck and Rush) is that it's not their fault. Well of course not. You didn't pull the trigger, Rush. Glen, you're a swell guy with nothing but good things to say about everyone.
Ya'll are off the hook. We all know is was Sarah that started the fire in the first place. Consistent with a biblical view, we should just blame Eve.
Frankly, there is plenty of blame to go around when a maniac gets a gun and lets loose in a crowd of politicians. We can blame our gun crazed culture, our lack of help for the mentally ill, a lack of health care for said mentally ill person, and throw violent video games into the mix for a perfect ending to the list.
The reason we are all blaming the right is that the victim (of note) is a Democrat. A centrist Democrat and a popular one by most accounts. She was put in the cross hairs of Palin's unbridled enthusiasm to wage a metaphoric war on liberalism, even though she is no Teddy Kennedy. In her all or nothing view of the world, our victim was fair game.
The other reason we blame Palin and her cheerleaders (frightening image- Rush or Beck in a little skirt with pom poms) is that they are the ones fomenting anger. The right kicks back like so many children in a dysfunctional household, yelling "you yell too!" Palin's email to her buddy (from deep inside her bunker) sounded like a pathetic child arguing that if we blame her, somehow we'll all lose our right to free speech. She joins the laudable ranks of folks like Rod Blogoyovich and Larry Flint.
The right now wants to remind us of the leftist nut jobs who foment hatred. Ooh, like Reverend Wright and that guy they kept trying to remind us of during the election who we had forgotten about.... what was his name? Ayers?
The difference between Ayers and Beck is that no one ever considered Ayers as Time's Person of the year. And Reverend Wright has never come even close to being POTUS. And that is the thing these guys have not come to realize. They are blessed with the gift of rhetoric and a certain charm. They have also been lucky enough to have found an audience. Neither Palin nor Rush, nor Beck has realized the important role they play, or they feel that they are so right about what they envision for us in America that they can take the risks they take every day.
The other difference between the right and left is that "our" mouth pieces (Rachel Maddow?) are neither household names, nor are they inflamatory. The most famous left wing name caller we have is Michael Moore. It is quite a reach to say that he preaches hate. He may be a socialist and he may "hate America" as his opponents argue, but he is certainly not riling up would be anti-capitalists for a surge on the Bastille. The worst radical lefty I can think of is Noam Chomsky. How many Americans know who he is?
Left wing radicals of the strength and vitriol of Beck and Rush have not existed since the French and Russian Revolutions. Okay. There was Mao too. But in America today, there is not much of a chance of the gay straight alliance taking a pot shot at a congressman. Really. There's not. There are some radical PETA people, but throwing blood on people's fur coats is not the same as packing a Glock in your sock and going to a rally to mix it up with the people.
So, let me recap. The right wing loud mouths need to see that they have a lot of power. Such power needs to be used judiciously. In freedom begins responsibility.
Ya'll are off the hook. We all know is was Sarah that started the fire in the first place. Consistent with a biblical view, we should just blame Eve.
Frankly, there is plenty of blame to go around when a maniac gets a gun and lets loose in a crowd of politicians. We can blame our gun crazed culture, our lack of help for the mentally ill, a lack of health care for said mentally ill person, and throw violent video games into the mix for a perfect ending to the list.
The reason we are all blaming the right is that the victim (of note) is a Democrat. A centrist Democrat and a popular one by most accounts. She was put in the cross hairs of Palin's unbridled enthusiasm to wage a metaphoric war on liberalism, even though she is no Teddy Kennedy. In her all or nothing view of the world, our victim was fair game.
The other reason we blame Palin and her cheerleaders (frightening image- Rush or Beck in a little skirt with pom poms) is that they are the ones fomenting anger. The right kicks back like so many children in a dysfunctional household, yelling "you yell too!" Palin's email to her buddy (from deep inside her bunker) sounded like a pathetic child arguing that if we blame her, somehow we'll all lose our right to free speech. She joins the laudable ranks of folks like Rod Blogoyovich and Larry Flint.
The right now wants to remind us of the leftist nut jobs who foment hatred. Ooh, like Reverend Wright and that guy they kept trying to remind us of during the election who we had forgotten about.... what was his name? Ayers?
The difference between Ayers and Beck is that no one ever considered Ayers as Time's Person of the year. And Reverend Wright has never come even close to being POTUS. And that is the thing these guys have not come to realize. They are blessed with the gift of rhetoric and a certain charm. They have also been lucky enough to have found an audience. Neither Palin nor Rush, nor Beck has realized the important role they play, or they feel that they are so right about what they envision for us in America that they can take the risks they take every day.
The other difference between the right and left is that "our" mouth pieces (Rachel Maddow?) are neither household names, nor are they inflamatory. The most famous left wing name caller we have is Michael Moore. It is quite a reach to say that he preaches hate. He may be a socialist and he may "hate America" as his opponents argue, but he is certainly not riling up would be anti-capitalists for a surge on the Bastille. The worst radical lefty I can think of is Noam Chomsky. How many Americans know who he is?
Left wing radicals of the strength and vitriol of Beck and Rush have not existed since the French and Russian Revolutions. Okay. There was Mao too. But in America today, there is not much of a chance of the gay straight alliance taking a pot shot at a congressman. Really. There's not. There are some radical PETA people, but throwing blood on people's fur coats is not the same as packing a Glock in your sock and going to a rally to mix it up with the people.
So, let me recap. The right wing loud mouths need to see that they have a lot of power. Such power needs to be used judiciously. In freedom begins responsibility.
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